URCAS and Biosymposium 2023
This year at URCAS, the Wright Lab was represented by Kayla Moehn, who gave an excellent talk on how stress
The Wright Behavior Lab
Avian Communication, Learning and Evolution
This year at URCAS, the Wright Lab was represented by Kayla Moehn, who gave an excellent talk on how stress
Congratulations to Whitney Watson on being awarded the Richard Bischoff Memorial scholarship by the Mesilla Valley Audubon Society!
Lab alum, Valeria Perez, has been awarded the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) fellowship, which will help her
Kayla Moehn will be the NMSU Alumni Outstanding Graduate for the College of Arts and Sciences 2023! This is considered
Congrats to lab alum, Dr. Grace Smith Vidaurre, who has just accepted a tenure track faculty position at Michigan State
Alexander Allison and his field team in Costa Rica have collared their first 3 birds with the help of Dr.
Tim speaks on podcast, The World, on love bird style. Listen here!
Tim had the pleasure of hooding Dr. Andy Lawrence and cheering on Master Bushra Moussaoui as they graduated. Oh, the
Kudos to the OG Wright Lab member Chris Dahlin on a fantastic NPR interview https://www.npr.org/2022/12/08/1141645084/a-scientific-survey-takes-a-look-at-vocal-mimicry-in-parrots describing a very cool new paper on
Interested in understanding avian migration? Applications are now being accepted for undergraduate and graduate research positions in the Avian Migration
Congrats to Bushra Moussaoui for giving her Master’s defense! She gave an excellent presentation titled, “Effects of aging on adult
NMSU celebrates the awarding of a $7.1 million grant from NIH to build a new Biomedical Research Building and vivarium.
Wright Lab alumna, Ryan McGee, lands a career in business development with manufacturing company, Merryweather!
View Scott Boyle’s new YouTube video produced by the Rocky Mountain Elk foundation (RMEF)! Gila Calf Capture Video
Alexander Allison joins the Wright Lab as a Master’s student! Welcome!
Andy’s photo of a prairie-chicken lands the cover of the August 2022 edition of Ornithological Applications! https://academic.oup.com/condor
Kayla returns from a summer at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute where she worked in Dr. Elizabeth Gould’s lab. She looked
Kennedy Ulmer joins the Wright Lab as a laboratory technician! Welcome!
Tim taught a workshop on bird capture and sampling for disease ecology in Gamboa, Panama with Mileyka Santos from the Instituto
Andy Lawrence successfully defends PhD! Congrats, Dr. Lawrence!
Victor Baquera joins the Wright Lab as an undergraduate researcher! Welcome!
Kayla presented her work in the Wright lab at URCAS. Attendees were very interested in her poster entitled “Immunohistochemistry to
Recipient of the Mesilla Valley Audubon Society Richard Bischoff Memorial Scholarship
Invited seminar for the Mesilla Valley Audubon Society, March 2022 “Migration mortalities brought to light”
Going towards the light: Examining the potential impacts of light pollution on bird migration in southern New Mexico – Grant
Last month, Kayla applied to three summer internship programs and was accepted into all of them! It was a tough
“Blinded by the light” Examining the effects of artificial lighting on bird migration in the desert southwest – Grant funded
Brian Ramos Güivas publishes paper as lead author, alongside Jodie Jawor and Tim Wright. The paper, titled “Seasonal Variation in
Kayla returns from a summer internship at the University of Colorado Anschutz where she worked in Dr. Emily Bates’ lab;
Wright Lab members Grace Smith-Vidaurre (PhD) Molly Dupin (MS) and Ryan McGee (BS) all graduate. Grace has moved on to
Timothy F. Wright
Department of Biology
New Mexico State University
(575) 646-1136
Wright Behavior Lab Avian Communication and Evolution
Copyright © 2010 Tim F. Wright Design by Koa Digital