PhD student Brain Ramos-Guivas made a special appearance in the 2020 summer issue of PsittaScene with his article, “A Test of Will: The Effects of Hurricane Maria on the Puerto Rican Amazon and its Research” Brian highlights his own research in this article, which also refers to Brian as the parrot sex therapist. We find this to be a suitable title.
Carlos Campos, a recent graduate in the Wright lab, was also featured in this issue with his article titled, “Two sides: a lab biologist goes wild”, discussing his experience as a biologist both in the lab and in the field. Carlos conducted his undergraduate research on genetic conservation in blue-throated macaws and he also assisted MS student Molly Dupin during her 2019 field season in Mexico, Guatemala, and Honduras.
Timothy F. Wright
Department of Biology
New Mexico State University
(575) 646-1136