Timothy F. Wright
Department of Biology
New Mexico State University
(575) 646-1136

The Wright Behavior Lab
Avian Communication, Learning and Evolution
Dr. Wright teaches a range of courses in the areas of animal behavior, evolution and scientific communication.
The official course webpages are available in Canvas.
BIOL 309
Guided Biological Research Lab: An introduction to mentored laboratory research for the early-career biology major.
Syllabus Fall 2021
BIOL 322
Zoology: A survey of animal diversity.
Syllabus Fall 2022
BIOL 402
Biology Honors Thesis: An introduction to scientific writing for HHMI Research Scholars.
Syllabus Fall 2018
BIOL 450/550
Tropical Field Ecology: An introduction to terrestrial and marine field ecology in Belize or Costa Rica
Syllabus Spring 2019
BIOL 450/550
BEEST: A student seminar series in Behavior Ecology Evolution Systematics and Taxonomy.
Syllabus Spring 2019
BIOL 480
Animal Behavior: Principles of animal behavior. Includes paper discussions and written grant proposals.
Syllabus Spring 2019
BIOL 484
Animal Communication: Advanced undergraduate/graduate course on the production, perception, function and evolution of animal signals. Inicludes paper discussions and group projects.
Syllabus Spring 2022
BIOL 550
Speciation and Adaptation
A graduate course examining the two main themes of evolutionary biology through classic texts and modern studies.
Syllabus Spring 2018
Timothy F. Wright
Department of Biology
New Mexico State University
(575) 646-1136
Wright Behavior Lab Avian Communication and Evolution
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